Friday, August 7, 2009


This has been an intense summer, so I've been slacking here quite a bit with posting. I always seem to have good intentions, but then my charming post ideas/blog photo opportunities/witty headlines get pushed to the wayside while I take care of all the little details of my life as it is right now. I'm beginning my journey from LA to Blacksburg, Virginia on Wednesday morning, so I'm a bit consumed with how I'll be managing to pack my entire existence into my car while also trying to hit all my favorite Los Angeles spots, see all my favorite people, and squeeze the finest quality of quality time with my boyfriend before he leaves me lonely in Virginia (his work is in LA). A lot of emotions here, folks. So, anyway, I'm a posting slacker. I admit it. I'll shape up at some undetermined point in the future, pinky swear! In the meantime, I'll be folding my life into cardboard boxes and eating Trader Joe's egg white salad sandwiches for nourishment.